So we picked up our bikes, and the first thing i noticed was my eyeball bell?? Still trying to figure that one out
this was my bike...cruiser And its made in Germany (I love German Engineering)
so we headed up Park search of a truck with free coffee
after many bell ringings. "Oh My Gods", "What should i do"...we finally made it to our original destination. Voila free coffee truck
we made our way across town hoping to reach the Westside Highway with its infamous biking path.
After fearing we were in the lane to go through the lincoln tunnel, we did make it to the Westside Highway. It was so nice
views of river were amazing
with the city behind us
From there we headed down to Bleecker, perhaps my favorite street.
what could be better than biking on a West Village street surrounded by some of your favorite stores such as Ralph Lauren
needless to say, the helmut really cramped by style....