
Friday, June 29, 2012


July 4th is quickly approaching, and many of us will be seaside. Im headed off to the beach for a week, and this was my inspiration for the polyvore set I created below. 
What is everyone doing for the holiday??

Lets Go To The Beach

Joie A La Plage beach swimwear
$126 -

Tory Burch sandals
$250 -

Gucci beach bag tote
£360 -

Alexander mcqueen sunglasses
$345 -

Ray-Ban ray ban sunglasses
$189 -

€36 -

Vilebrequin Moorea Fruits Swim Trunks
$220 -

Gucci Fedora with Signature Web Detail
$295 -

Since I will be on vacation, there wont be much activity here for the next week. See you all back here in a bit!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Biergarten at the Standard Hotel

I recently went to the Biergarten at the Standard Hotel to celebrate a friend's birthday. The Standard Hotel is situated in New York's Meatpacking district, and is one of the go-to spots for nightlife here in the city. I've heard a lot about the Biergarten, but have never gone as I am not a beer drinker. 
However, I figured this was the time to try it. It was a beautiful evening in the city, and all the seating is outdoor. In addition to the beer, there is also a full bar. I headed for the bar, but being as packed as it was I didnt get a drink because the bartender kept ignoring me...slightly annoying, yes.
The crowd was a mix of afterwork investment bankers, want to be frat boys, and Europeans.  

Overall, the atmosphere is great, the beer is good (i think?) and theres even pingpong tables. I will definitely be frequenting on another summer night.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Maybe It Wasnt Meant To Be

I was always a Blackberry person..since and early age. In the team iphone vs. Blackberry I always sided with Blackberry. Then the iPhone kept getting improvements, the apps become great, and well, there I was the only person sans iPhone. I even wrote about the ongoing debate before.

Here we are, about 6 months after I switched to the iPhone for the second time...and its broken. I was caught in a horrific downpour while running out to Whole Foods the other night, and little did I know even in my pocket, my little white lifeline would lose its sound. 

Is this a sign? Am I meant to be on the ever outdated Blackberry forever? Perhaps the success (or lack of) of my visit to the Apple store in an attempt to have them give me a new phone will tell. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

5 Random Monday Thoughts

June where have you gone?!?! You flew by, and summer has officially begun this past week. Lets hope July goes a tad more slowly.

  • Im looking forward to sitting in the sand for a week coming up shortly!
  • Sorry for the infrequency of my posts. I guess Ive entered "summer blogging mode"
  • Im finding myself at a crossroads in life, yet very content with it at the same time.
  • Men's fashion week in Milan is in full spring. One of my favorite things is Tommy Ton's street style from GQ.
  • Have you seen the Juste Un Clou collection at Cartier...dying to have the bracelet

There's nothing better than having a free day to stroll around the city in the sun

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Beauty and Essex

A few friends and I got together this week for dinner at the Lower East Side hotspot Beauty and Essex.  After hearing how great it was, I put my Open Table account to good use and made a reservation.
Enter, an antique shop in the front with cases filled with vintage Rolexes and diamond rings, then slip past the doorman dressed in black into the posh interior of Beauty and Essex.

They are known for their tapas style dinning so sharing small "plates" is recommended. We tried the brick pressed chicken, cheeseburger dumplings, and the Essex Burger. All were SO amazing. This description would not be complete without mentioning the champagne that flows in the woman's bathroom.

Monday, June 18, 2012

5 Random Monday Thoughts

Is it just me, or is June flying by? The summer always ends up becoming such a blur.  I never know what day of the week it is. 

  • My apartment is now 97% furnished and complete. So excited :D
  • I have an unexpected week of vacation right now...thank god. I need a new job pronto
  • The other Monday I mentioned unexpected moments. Life is so funny because I had one thrown at me, and so far it has been nothing but positive.
  • Is anybody else cursed by the fact that the weather is beautiful on your day at work and not so nice on your day off?? Its killing me.
  • I indulged a little this weekend: Artichoke Pizza, Bagels, and Laduree. You can guess which was my favorite :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer Travel Wish

I havent gone on any big travels for about 2 or 3 years now. This summer I wish to just travel around Europe for a bit. Traveling is one of my favorite things, and I do miss it. Something about being in another culture and out of your comfort zone is exhilarating to me. 

Ive been browsing locations and making dream plans. Ive fallen in love with the Almafi Coast....its looks beyond amazing. Have you ever been? I see myself in a seaside villa here somewhere (hopefully) in my near future.

Until now, I can just imagine

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Smith

One of my favorite ways to meet up friends is over dinner. Texts are sent out in the afternoon and the OpenTable emails hit your inbox for confirmation a bit later. My most recent outing was to The Smith. Ive heard many people talk about it, walked by the one in the East Village more times than I could count, but never actually went. 
I was unaware that they had 2 locations in the city with one in the East Village and one in Midtown. We opted for the one uptown. It was absolutely great. Enter into a tiled dinning room, the entire front facade open to the warm June air. 
The uptown crowd was what one would expect: men in blazers,  and each woman with a Cartier Love Bracelet on her arm. My friend and I both had the Mediterranean salad....very good! I cant wait to come back here for brunch.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Nice New Yorkers?

Im here to debunk that myth that New Yorkers are the nastiest, meanest people that you will ever cross paths with. In fact, I think we are exactly the opposite. However, since my return to the city, this has become even more apparent. 
We give all those annoying tourists directions despite the fact that I am not a walking map or kiosk, we give up our seats on the subway to those who need it more, and I may even bend over to pick something up that you have dropped.
When we hold open a door, we get a thank you in return. On a side note: a held the door for a man with a larger stroller at Saks in Beverly Hills...he didnt say a single word. No thank you, no acknowledgement at all. I would have rather slammed it in his face.

But what has solidified my belief that us New Yorkers are a lot nicer than we are given credit for?? Many people have strangely been complementing my appearance. I leave for 3 weeks, return and people are telling me "i look great" ,"youre teeth are so white" "your tan is great". I beg to differ with these people, but hey, a few compliments never hurt anyone, right??

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Mulberry Project

This weekend a friend and myself stepped out to The Mulberry Project in Little Italy. The venue is a downtown hotspot, and it was my first time visiting. I had heard about it, but didnt know what to expect. All the rumors about easily walking by it are true. The entrance is literally unmarked, and surround my graffiti covered walls on either sides. The only thing standing out is the not so pleasant bouncer. 
Mulberry Project is known for its bespoke cocktails, and made-to-order concoctions from the seasons freshest ingredients. However,  beware a drink thats about 5 sips will set you back $20. 

The venu is interesting and has an outdoor patio tucked away in the back, but the people and employees are unnecessarily obnoxious. Lets be honest, this isnt meatpacking's hottest club or anything. So while the drinks are good, I'm not in any hurry to go back as I have other preferable venus around town. 

Source: via Amish on Pinterest

Monday, June 4, 2012

5 Random Monday Thoughts

Its the first full week of June. Summer will soon be in full swing.

  • Im back in the city for the summer! The apartment is slowly but surely coming along
  • Have you seen the 5 day forecast? Rain everyday...seriously?!
  • Somebody that I used to know is the soundtrack of my life.
  • Im aspiring to be a wino
  • I think some of the best opportunities arise when you least expect them. Take advantage of them.
Photo: my own via