
Monday, June 25, 2012

5 Random Monday Thoughts

June where have you gone?!?! You flew by, and summer has officially begun this past week. Lets hope July goes a tad more slowly.

  • Im looking forward to sitting in the sand for a week coming up shortly!
  • Sorry for the infrequency of my posts. I guess Ive entered "summer blogging mode"
  • Im finding myself at a crossroads in life, yet very content with it at the same time.
  • Men's fashion week in Milan is in full spring. One of my favorite things is Tommy Ton's street style from GQ.
  • Have you seen the Juste Un Clou collection at Cartier...dying to have the bracelet

There's nothing better than having a free day to stroll around the city in the sun


  1. Happy Summer! I feel that summer blogging pain, too! Enjoy your time in the sand. Bitter, party of one, right here. :)

  2. I definitely feel the same way about blogging in the summer! The city looks amazing, too. :)
