
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Biergarten at the Standard Hotel

I recently went to the Biergarten at the Standard Hotel to celebrate a friend's birthday. The Standard Hotel is situated in New York's Meatpacking district, and is one of the go-to spots for nightlife here in the city. I've heard a lot about the Biergarten, but have never gone as I am not a beer drinker. 
However, I figured this was the time to try it. It was a beautiful evening in the city, and all the seating is outdoor. In addition to the beer, there is also a full bar. I headed for the bar, but being as packed as it was I didnt get a drink because the bartender kept ignoring me...slightly annoying, yes.
The crowd was a mix of afterwork investment bankers, want to be frat boys, and Europeans.  

Overall, the atmosphere is great, the beer is good (i think?) and theres even pingpong tables. I will definitely be frequenting on another summer night.



  1. The ping pong tables sound like a fun touch! Sounds like an interesting crowd, too, haha.

  2. I HATE when bartenders are asses. Like, you see me standing here and I haven't even ordered so it's not like I've been rude to you or given you a reason to not serve me. UGH. I'm fired up lol!

    I need to get the The Standard Downtown! I've only been to the Hollywood location which is just meh.

  3. That picture makes it look very French and chic!

    XO Lucy
