
Friday, November 25, 2011

Color on Black Friday and Turning 1

While we didnt do our normal "midnight madness" at our usual spot (we all opted to sleep instead!) I did go to the mall...I mean I have to do at least a little shopping on Black Friday after all. I took the opportunity to visit the Lilly Pulitzer store and grab the men's resort stuff. You may remember me saying I wanted a few things.

You can never have too many polos

or too many ties. They will come in handy if I survive business school

Im just going to take a moment to wish my little blog a happy 1 year birthday :)...heres to a new year of hopefully interesting stories, expanding, and fun

Dont forget to checkout other fashion friday posts at Blonde Episodes


  1. Congrats on the milestone!! Here's to many more years :)

    Yay you got the octopus print! Great finds.

  2. Happy Blogoversary honey! Great finds for Black Friday. Kori xoxo

  3. Love your Lilly picks! And you are sooooo, right a fella can NeVeR have too many ties...nevah! Just like I cound never have too many shoes, purses, shifts, bikinis well you get the idea! Happy Cele. for OnE yEaR!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten

  4. congrats and have the best weekend.
