
Monday, April 1, 2013

5 Random Monday Thoughts

Hello, April! We're getting ever closer to summer and warm weather, I can feel it.

  • Every weekend is quick, but did any one else seem to think this past weekend was extremely quick?! Before I knew it, its Monday morning and I have unfinished work.
  • The weather needs to make up its mind here in the northeast.
  • I had a very French Easter with crepes and Veuve Clicquot. What did everyone else do?
  • My pinterest feed has been filled with so many amazing travel photos. I want to get back on a plane right now and escape for a while!
  • It's one of those Mondays that you just dont want to acknowledge. One of those Mondays where this is the thought going through my head:

1 comment:

  1. It was a FAST weekend! I was ready to crawl back under the covers. I'm glad I woke up to find it would be 70 here I could skip the gym and get outside this evening. Have a great week!
