
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Outfitting Spring Semester with Jack Wills

Spring weather is so variable here in the northeast. It can be bitter cold until May, 60 in early March, snowing in April, or anything in between. Thus, dressing can be a bit of a challenge, and one really needs a variety of styles in their wardrobe for spring up here. 

Jack Wills, one of my favorite British heritage brands, is perfect for outfitting yourself for spring weather in the northeast. Their tag line is "University Outfitters", and they do just that! My wardrobe is filled with sweaters that are perfect for those colder days, vests that make layering during mild weather easy, and bright polos for when it finally becomes warmer. 

The Jack Wills Spring 2013 collection continues to recognize their British roots and collegiate audience. The collection is filled with bright colors that are appropriate for the season, but includes pieces such as printed sweaters, jackets, and cardigans that are perfect for those chilly northeast springs. 

Myself, outfitted in Jack Wills, and top picks from Spring 2013

Every year, Jack Wills searches for what it calls "Seasonnaires" and this year, Im in the running for their Best Summer Job in America to become one of the top Seasonnaires in the US. The Seasonnaire represents the brand as well as the Jack Wills Lifestyle. 

Today is the last day to vote in the competition to help me get to the top 20! If you haven't do so already, please vote for me. I greatly appreciate all the help in obtaining this amazing offer. You can read about how to vote here, or simply:

1. Log in to your Facebook Account
2. In another tab, point your browser to The Best Summer Job Website (chrome and Firefox work best)
3. Search "Wes" in the search box or locate my profile picture seen on my right panel here
4. Vote 3 times!


  1. Good luck Wes! You know you've got my votes!

  2. I am trying to vote right and having trouble... going to try again before midnight. Loved your video, the champagne part was my favorite haha!
