
Monday, December 31, 2012

Looking Back At 2012

I was never a fan of all the hype on New Year's Eve, however, I do like looking back after the past year and remembering all the things good and bad that can happen in 365 days. All in all I think 2012 was a very good year for me. So much as happened its hard to believe it has only be just one year ago since we we're all sitting here writing our little reflections on 2011.

2012 started with all my friends traveling to Europe for months so I was left to navigate Manhattan alone. It was a great time to try new restaurants and make some new friends as well. Summer came and went in the flash of an eye and it was already back to school in the fall. It was great to have everyone back in the city ready to have fun. This past semester has been great. This past year I really discovered who I am as a person

Here are some of the highs and maybe lows of 2012:

  • February Fashion Week events such as Lunch with Alexandre Birman and attending the Moncler Grenoble Show
  • Managing to eat at almost every restaurant in Meatpacking 
  • Visiting LA in March
  • Getting my first pair of thats exciting
  • Moving into my very own apartment! Perhaps the most exciting thing of 2012
  • Of course new friends were made, but some old friends were also lost
  • The start and unfortunately end of a relationship
  • Going out on break in style at Beaumarchais

I hope your 2012 was filled with as many memorable moments as mine. Looking ahead, 2013 has the potential to be even more exciting. I see Barcelona in my near future for one thing. I do, however, want to vow to take things a bit more slowly in 2013 and not rush so much. 

Happy New Year!


  1. We shall call 2012 the year of Louboutin (my first pair too!). Wishing you an even more fabulous 2013!

  2. For me, 2012 was the year of the hubby suprised me on just a Saturday with my strand of classic pearls with crystals. I am looking forward to even more excitement in 2013! So far...I think I am right on track!!

    Happy New Year Sweets!!
    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  3. Sounds like 2012 was pretty great for you. I liked it as well. Here's to 2013 being even more amazing :)

  4. Happy New Year!!

    I have seen those Louboutins a couple of times recently and I think of you, haha! I would definitely mark that as a highlight too.
