
Friday, August 31, 2012

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Well its here: the unofficial (official) end to summer. I feel like I just started vacation 2 weeks ago. My staycation has come to an end and along with that comes the end to my summer vacation. 
So here's a cheers to the last few nights of summer before I am completely in over my head with school work and an internship. 

My favorite things this summer included the beach, tanning, dinners out, and new friends. However, my absolute favorite thing that I will miss is late summer evenings on the terrace with good company and wine.

Have a great Labor Day weekend!


  1. My favorite things this summer were pretty much the same! Best of luck with school this fall!

  2. I definitely know what you's like summer started just a few days ago! Even though it's ending, I can't wait for school and new adventures to begin. :)
