
Monday, August 27, 2012

5 Random Monday Thoughts

Here we are- the last Monday in August, and for many the last Monday of summer. All good things must come to an end!

  • I've been on a mini "staycation" enjoying the last bit of time off I have before a crazy semester begins momentarily. 
  • I'm so in love with summer nights in the city
  • A friend of mine over at Sweet Tea and Pinky RIngs is hosting a giveaway. I would love for you to go check it out...ends today!
  • I hope fall brings a breath of fresh air along with it
  • If there is one thing I've come to love and will miss as summer ends, its wine and cheese on the terrace in the evening 


  1. My tan is hiss! I am ready for fall fashion and nail varnish....but I loathe losing my bronzed look! Thank goodness I get to retire to the beach in nine years!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  2. #2 and #5 are almost enough to make me want to move out of my beloved Houston.

  3. i have been loving your summer on instagram. so jealous... everything is so beautifuL!

  4. I'm jealous of your life! Enjoy these last days of freedom before school starts :)
