
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ciao is See you Soon

The other night I had dinner with a friend/acquaintance that should remain anonymous through out this story. We all find ourselves in "ruts" in life and sometimes you just want something that puts a smile on your face...this is one of those stories for me.
I arrived at X's wonderful 5th avenue apartment- the walls are decorated with great art and the views are quite wonderful. The entire apartment smelled  like the chicken marsala that was on the stove- they are Italian after all.
We sat down to eat. Conversing over salad, bok choy, and chicken marsala about everything from traveling to what it was like for me to grow up in a rural area and then move to New York. There was a bit of gossiping to be had over the fresh strawberries and yogurt for dessert. I mean it isnt New York without a little gossip right?
So where does the smile come in? As I put on my jacket and walked towards the door, X says to me "Youre going to be a star. I know it. I should get your autograph while I still can". I just smiled- I wasnt sure exactly what to say. we exchanged "Ciaos" and I was out the door, walking down the hall with a little smile on my face. Its people like this where ciao is more like a see you soon than goodbye.


  1. AMEN...I love it....I hate good byes, they seem so permanent.
    I can see ya smiling walking down the hall sporting some Gucci & Luois:) I agree, send me an autograph! Here's to good things to come my friend-

  2. Wow, such an exciting night! Crowned by amazing words!!!!
    Take a look and if you want we can follow each others: Cosa mi metto???

  3. Little do they already are a star, RIGHT?!!!! Surround yourself in postitive waves of people and you will continue to SOAR to fantabulous heights my friend!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled
    (I have an idea that grin was ever so slight!)

  4. Sounds like an amazing get together! Totally agree about using ciao instead, too!

  5. What a great story! You've got some good friends.
