
Monday, April 30, 2012

5 Random Monday Thoughts

30 days has September, April, June, and November. Here we are at the last day of April already. Where is the time going?! But I say bring on May. Check out my "Friend of Mine" interview over at Girl with the Blue Bow

  • I have one of my first finals this week and have had no motivation to good!
  • I am moving into my very own apartment this week!! Ive already established a set of 6 Jonathan Adler tumblers :D
  • Finding an internship is officially the most competitive/hardest thing to do.
  • I did some impromptu cooking with a friend this week. I must say, my kitchen skills surprise. We created this end product:

  • The official unofficial start to summer is only about a month away...did I mention I cant wait for summer?? :)

This pillow is something I need


  1. Ooooo, I do like that pillow a lot! Your post is up on my blog too. Sorry, my blog won't schedule posts, I told Google about it today...

  2. Love Jonathan Adler! You should share a few sneak peeks once you are a little settled in your new apartment. Good luck with the motivation factor--you can do it! ;)

  3. I want that pillow STAT!
    Just know your new apartment is going to be FAB!
    Yaaaay for the J.A. tumblers!

    Get ta cracki' the books,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled
    (52 days until I leave for the beach!)

  4. Love that pillow! And congrats on the apartment!

  5. Good luck on finding an internship and on finals! And yay for your own apartment! You are going to love it!

  6. Ah that is so exciting about the apartment!
