
Friday, September 30, 2011

Preppy Stripes


I'm loving stripes. They're nautical, preppy, and an all time classic. What's better than a navy and white striped sweater paired with white bottoms in the summer. Of course in the fall we love navy and green. Stripes are a simple way to add something to your outfit instead of wearing just a basic solid. 

I have some new stripes in my fall wardrobe

sweater: vince

sweater: Brooks Brothers

sweater: Brooks Brothers

Are you going to be wearing stripes this fall?

Check out other Fashion Friday posts at Blonde Episodes

Have a nice weekend! Mine will be filled with homework...and some more homework.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Late September Summer

The weather recently in September has been a little crazy. Its been feeling a lot more like August and summer with all this humidity than the very end of September. Were all itching to wear fall clothes, but what do you when its 75 and very, very humid? I keep dressing like its summer. 

Here's what I wore:

Shorts: Ralph Lauren
Belt: Hermes
Polo: Band of Outsiders
Watch: Cartier
Shoes: John Varvatos

In easily put together outfit thats fitting for this abnormally warm weather.

Belt: Hermes

Watch: Cartier

Polo: Band of Outsiders

Shoes: John Varvatos

How have you been dressing for this later September summer?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Stubbs & Wootton

If there's one brand that comes to mind when I think of preppy footwear, it is Stubbs & Wootton. The classic handmade slippers and needlepoint loafers are the epitome of the Palm Beach lifestyle. Thats why they are one of my favorite things this week. Im dying to get a pair, but with so many choices how does one pick which pair to get?

Here are a few of my favorites:



all images via

They are only available in Palm Beach, here in New York, and Southampton. You can always order online, but maybe Ill just have to go try a pair on!

As always, I am linking up with Blonde Episodes for Fashion Friday. Check out the other great posts.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tempted: Burberry Trench

Im linking up with Blonde Episodes for "Temptation Thursday" today. Burberry trenches: iconic and classic. It seems like a necessity more than a want in my books. I've been wanting one for a very, very long time. Although I've wanted one for a while, it seems to be the one thing I keep putting off and not buying.

Every time I see someone running around town in their Burberry trench, I get really jealous and want to take it off them and run away with it....I think it might soon be time to get one? Perfect for fall and this frequent rainy weather.

A twist on the classic with contrasting leather belt and buckles on the collar:

My favorite. Love the leather sleeves


What have you been tempting by this week? Link up with Blonde Episodes and share!

Image 1 via
Images 2,3,4 via

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Iconic New York: Bowery Hotel

The Bowery Hotel maybe relatively new, but it has made quite the impact in the short time that it has been open. This trendy downtown hotel is quickly becoming the new "it" hotel to stay at and hang out for celebrities. The hotel is characterized by its old world styled lobby and dark wood that are juxtaposed with the floor-to-cieling windows and more modern decor of the guest rooms. Conde Nast Travel, including the hotel on their hot list, described it as "the classic new york experience, timeless and sophisticated."

One fun amenity that the hotel offers is complimentary bicycles. (Helmets and locks included!). There isnt a better way to get around the East Village and sightsee than on a bike. Their Italian restaurant "Gemma" is supposed to be very good- always packed, although it looks like it gets a little sceney.

Jennifer Lopez and Demi Moore both hosted birthday parties for their respective men, so who knows who you might run into.

Doubles run between $525-$575 a night.

On a side note- are you on Google+? If so, add me!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Ovadia & Sons

Have you ever come across a new brand and instantly fallen in love with it? Case in point: Ovadia & Sons. This menswear brand is all about classic dressing and screams me. A large part of their FW11 collection seems to be on the dressier side, but theres nothing wrong with that! I feel like its only a matter of time until I own a piece of their clothing.

If I had to pick now, I would go with this sweater:

anything with elbow patches, and I'm sold.

all images via

What do you think?

Linking up with Blonde Episodes for Fashion Friday

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Inspiration Nearby

Sometimes we do not have to look far for inspiration. Ive been finding that quite frequently its actually right in front of us. I recently took a spin class at NYC's SoulCycle to celebrate the upcoming cover of Fitness Magazine with the Fitness Magazine staff and two special guests. Why would something like this be inspirational? The two women featured on the upcoming Fitness Magazine cover are Olivia Ward and Hannah Curlee- the 2011 winners of the TV show "Biggest Loser".

They were riding front and center, looking wonderful. Perfect form and rhythm. After the class they had an enlarged version of the soon to be released cover. It makes you realize that you cant be afraid to chase your goals. These two women faced on the most challenging goals, weight issues, in front of an audience of millions. It truly is an inspiration, and I am fortunate to be around and workout with these ladies quite frequently.

Olivia and Hannah with Soulcycle instructor Jenny Gaither (shes the best!) 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Remember, Its The Little Things

I've recently been reminded of the cliche saying "its the little things in life that mean the most"...I guess it may actually be true. As we get caught up in our own lives, I find that we tend to get caught up in ourselves as well, forgetting those around. Family, friends, acquaintances. As we are all starting to slip into work and school mode from the end of summer, I find that this begins to happen all too easily.

Living in a place that can sometimes feel like the most lonely place on the world, I frequently find myself being reminded of the importance of those people most closely around you. What are the little things that can make a difference. For me, at least, it may be a random text that says "hey! how have you been?!" or "hope all is well!", a smile when you pass on the street, your friends know when somethings wrong- when they ask are you ok it makes that much of a difference, or what about that random person that gives you a compliment?

You may be asking whats the point of this little rant of sorts- I just encourage you to be aware of people that are important in your life and do not take them for granted. The next time you get that vibe that something may be bothering your friend, ask them if they're okay. Maybe go out on a limb and surprise someone with a nice text.

Sometimes it really is the small things that can make quite a big difference....give it a try


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Reflecting on 10 years. 9/11

As we all know, today marks the 10th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks. It's hard to believe its been 10 years because I can remember exactly where I was 10 years ago:

If I'm not mistaken, it was a Tuesday. I was sitting in my 4th grade class when suddenly all the TV's in the school were turned to CNN. We sat and watched, mostly in silence. Upon arriving home, my parents had the news streaming as well....I did not really understand the impact. I was only in 4th grade.

I was able to snap the following picture of the construction of the new building while dashing by in a cab:

The streets have an odd quietness to them today. Never Forget:

Friday, September 9, 2011

Fashions Night Out

As promised, photos from last night's "Fashion's Night Out" here in New York. This year was the third annual event. FNO is a night where stores extend their hours, have DJ's, cocktails, and celebrity appearances. I don't think I ever saw so many Louboutins in my life. It was definitely the shoe of choice for most that evening.

*Note: All pictures are my own

A packed DVF in meatpacking

Ted Baker

Tory was having quite the block party

There was a lot of fashion

but even more people. Intermix Meatpacking

We ran into Mary

Unfortunately the Alexis Bittar case good for empty glasses only

We were SO close to Rachel Zoe

As Rachel would say: It was OOC

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Guest Post: Back to School Fashion

It's been a little bit of a crazy week here with all the rain, wind, and more rain....I definitely had to break out the fall clothes sooner rather than later. Classes also started yesterday. All my professors seem like great people...thats what I must keep thinking when I'm slaving away in the library.

Today, Im filling in for Allie over at Sundresses and Smiles. You can read my post about back to school fashion here. Let me know what you think!

speaking of fashion....


Its Fashion's Night Out here in New York. Not sure what my plans are exactly, but hopefully I will have a lot of good pictures to share tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

This Cant Be A Sign

After a weekend filled with nice weather, although humid, its now pouring on the first day of classes. It looked like it could have stormed at any point the past few days, but it waited until today...lets hope this isn't some kind of indication of the semester to come?

....But I did just spend over $300 on two books, already have work when my classes didnt start, bought a planner that isnt even for this year, and have a 28 page syllabus for one of my classes.

Im still kind of in denial about the fact that once again, the library will probably be just as much my home as my actual room and that my cortisol levels are just going to keep elevating as the weeks progress. Getting back into the swing of things and settling in takes some time. I thought the transition would be slightly quicker. However, I'm finding myself very confused by some people in my life and am adjusting to a new area.

Although today was the official first day of classes, I dont have any classes on Tuesday so I have just one more day with a little relaxation. Despite the pouring rain, I made the trek to the Barney's Warehouse Sale. It wasnt as good as last time- I saw a lot of the same merchandise. I did manage to find a pair of James Perse pants that I love.

The remainder of the day may consist of taking refuge in the library from the rain and planning out this crazy semester ahead...and of course Rachel Zoe tonight!

could this image be any more true?!


Monday, September 5, 2011

The Unofficial Official

Happy Labor Day...the unofficial, official end to summer. Hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend and is getting ready to pack away the white clothes, bust out the sweaters and boots, and crack open those text books.

So long summer 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Vintage: What's the Story?

I was recently at my grandparent's house to visit them one last day before I headed off to school. My grandmother went into her room and came back into the kitchen, sat down at the table, and told me to come over because she had something for me. I didn't know what to expect, really. Then she opened her hand and there was the pair of cufflinks pictured to the right.
She told me that they were a pair of her father's. I did some quick calculations in my head...these things have to be at least 100 years old.
It makes you wonder, what's the story behind something this old? I wonder where her father wore these, what exactly they are made of. It appears to be mother of pearl in the center, but other than that I'm not sure what the surrounding is constructed from. Being 100 years + old, it also makes you think of just how much history these little cufflinks have gone through.
I dont own many vintage things, but something like this is a definite keep. Not sure how often I will wear them out of fear of them going missing, but I do know I will keep them tucked away in one of my drawers.

Do you have vintage items..whats the story behind them?