
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Reflecting on 10 years. 9/11

As we all know, today marks the 10th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks. It's hard to believe its been 10 years because I can remember exactly where I was 10 years ago:

If I'm not mistaken, it was a Tuesday. I was sitting in my 4th grade class when suddenly all the TV's in the school were turned to CNN. We sat and watched, mostly in silence. Upon arriving home, my parents had the news streaming as well....I did not really understand the impact. I was only in 4th grade.

I was able to snap the following picture of the construction of the new building while dashing by in a cab:

The streets have an odd quietness to them today. Never Forget:


  1. Thank you for the tribute honey. You're so lucky to be close enough to go to the memorial. Kori xoxo

  2. Great post! I wrote a little tribute today too. I wish I could be there. I heart NY!!!

  3. I've read so many posts about 9/11 yet I get cold chills with each one. I was a freshman in college and experiencing this horrible day, while at the same time it was wonderful because i was accepted into my sorority. Bittersweet I guess.

  4. i'm so glad you went to the memorial. we were in wdw, and i made everyone go to the flag ceremony that happens everyday. i wish i could have done more!
