
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tempted: Burberry Trench

Im linking up with Blonde Episodes for "Temptation Thursday" today. Burberry trenches: iconic and classic. It seems like a necessity more than a want in my books. I've been wanting one for a very, very long time. Although I've wanted one for a while, it seems to be the one thing I keep putting off and not buying.

Every time I see someone running around town in their Burberry trench, I get really jealous and want to take it off them and run away with it....I think it might soon be time to get one? Perfect for fall and this frequent rainy weather.

A twist on the classic with contrasting leather belt and buckles on the collar:

My favorite. Love the leather sleeves


What have you been tempting by this week? Link up with Blonde Episodes and share!

Image 1 via
Images 2,3,4 via


  1. Well you would get great use out of it for NY falls so that's the perfect excuse to buy one. And while you're at it, if you send one my way I wouldn't be mad at ya ;) Hehe

    Thanks for the heads up on the Lilly DZ items - I just checked them out!

  2. I love the classic look of a Burberry Trench! I was so cold last night that I busted out my Burberry scarf for dinner! I have been lusting over a Tory Burch Clutch and Ballet flats!

  3. Oh my...nothing better than a gorgeous trench! Wonderful post as always friend! Hope to see you tomorrow! Kori xoxo

  4. Hey honey I didn't see your link on the linkup? Kori xoxo

  5. Hi Sweetheart! Just stopping by from Blonde Episodes & of course, have to show some love & see everyone's "temptations" =). And yours...TO DIE. LOVIN' these looks! Great post! If you're free tomorrow...I'd LOVE for you to link up with me for my "Friday Favorites"! =) Would love to welcome you! Have a beautiful night! XO
    Calling All Dolls!
