
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Snapshots of Nice

The social media world seems to be filled with gorgeous pictures of travel and vacation, and I must admit, it has me a bit jealous. This summer was a bit up in the air so I did not have the opportunity to plan any big travel which was a bummer, however, all the great pictures I have been seeing made me reminisce about one of my favorite trips and favorite places: Nice, France.

Below are a few snapshots of this picturesque town on the Cote d'Azur. If you have not been, I highly recommend a visit, it truly is the gateway to the Cote d'Azur with easy access to popular neighboring cities such as Cannes, Monaco, Cap Ferrat, and the coast of Italy. Nice has a great mixture of old a new with Vieille Nice and its narrow streets and beautiful buildings and the newer construction along the Quais d'Anglais. From shopping to dinning and nightlife, Nice really does have it all. Of course my favorite part was the beautiful, deep blue waters.

Have you taken any trips this summer or have an exciting one in the works? I am always looking for new destinations and recommendations!

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