
Tuesday, May 27, 2014


To say that the past week and a half have been hectic would be quite an understatement. It was the end of an era as I finished my undergraduate career recently, started a move, and continue the search for that perfect job.

Graduations turned into holidays as we celebrated a surprisingly warm and sunny Memorial Day this week. There has been a lot to celebrate as I welcome the summer with open arms. Celebrations can be big or small, but they are always necessary! For me, a large celebration is not always needed- a bottle of good champagne and good company is perfect.

As the book closes on this major part of my life (how is college over?!) I am excited for the upcoming summer and future, but not without a nervous undertone. It is definitely an exciting time, however. In the meantime, I will be sure to be enjoying champagne by the pool and maybe even host a summer party.


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