
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Stylish Headphones from V-MODA

Music has become an integral part of the everyday routine for many, especially those of us in the city running around the streets and subways. It is a source of distraction from the chaos around us. With that being said, I was always one to just use the small, white earbuds that we are all familiar with because it was just easy. However, the quality is definitely lacking. 

Since listening to music is a large part of my daily routine, I thought it was time to find a great pair of headphones. My hesitation with "classic" style headphones was their chunkiness and appearance. However, I was introduced to V-MODA and their Crossfade 100 headphones. These headphones not only pack some serious punch, by they are also incredibly stylish, with the company getting its design inspiration from Milan.

If you want quality audio as well as quality construction in a luxurious product, the V-MODA would be a great pair of headphones. I was impressed by the craftsmanship in the manufacturing and some of the key features of the Crossfade 100's such as noise isolation (perfect for traveling on buses, planes, etc.), its audio share cable, and not to mention its 5-star rating and not to mention receiving the DJ Tech Award "Best Headphone of the Year." DJs such as Avicii, Nero, and Empire of the Sun actively use these headphones.

The Crossfade 100's in matte black metal are very sleek and modern. They paired well with my iPhone on the go and are highly functional with SpeakEasy Mic Cable, and are also useful in the home or office with the addition of BoomPro Mic.

Disclaimer: Product received in exchange for review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.


  1. I need to invest in a good pair of headphones for sure. I usually just use the standard earbuds too.

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