
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Decorating with Memories

Interior decorations from Jonathan Adler and West Elm are wonderful and add great touches to any apartment, however, sometimes a little personal touches that are very simple and contain memories add a distinctive touch as well. 

I was recently telling someone at an event about my utilizations of wine bottles, corks, and boxes as decoration around my apartment, and she said "oh my gosh! You have to send me photos for inspiration!" So I snapped a few photos and sent them off. 

Wine bottles and corks make the perfect touch to a kitchen or shelf because they add a French flair and they also contain memories. These bottles all serve as conversation pieces when guests come over, especially those who have never seen them and react in a way that is usually something along the lines of "wow look at all those bottles!" This is when I usually chime in and mention the various occasions or stories behind the various ones, like a little throwback.

I also like saving the corks and dating the ones that are from special moments. They are great to put in vases and glass jars and place on shelves next to candles or plants. It is fun to seem the jar get full overtime with different memories.

We all probably have those special bottles of champagne from memorable holidays and events that usually come in nice boxes. I like to place them throughout bookshelves to add interest among the books and various objects. Again, it is fun to look at them and reminisce about the moment when you received them.

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