
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Condé Nast Launches Digital Channel

The Condé Nast Entertainment division has announced the launch of the Vanity Fair digital channel with new series taking inspiration from the iconic magazine. The lineup features Hollywood insiders and infamous NYC residences, and the launch of the channel is being sponsored by American Express and Salvatore Ferragamo.

At the time of launch, the channel's lineup includes 4 series:

Vanity Code: Vanity Fair's take on "How-To" series with animated solutions to life situations such as "How to...Feign Interest in Your Boss's Children." This will be sure to be a survival guide to any life situation.

VF Hollywood with Krista Smith: This series will show the latest starts stopping by Vanity Fair's LA office to talk with senior west coast editor Krista Smith about current and upcoming projects they are involved with. It will offer an inside look at what is coming up next in Hollywood.

The Snob's Dictionary: This web series is a look into the world of the cultural snob, to whom knowledge of subjects is more important than the actual enjoyment of them. Season one topics include film, food, music, and television.

Eminent Domains (NYC): This series will show viewers show of the most historic, iconic, and interesting addresses in New York City. This one sounds like it will be my personal favorite! The series will show co-ops to modern towers and anything in between. Future seasons will travel to other cities around the world. 

The content will be available on the Vanity Fair video website and YouTube Channel.

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