
Monday, July 22, 2013

5 Random Monday Thoughts

  • It has been an incredibly hot July, and I want it to end! We have had 100+ degree weather here in the city for almost a week's quite miserable!
  • Weekends go even more quickly than normal when you have a friend staying with you- as if they could not go any more quickly. I cannot believe its already Monday.
  • There are SO many amazing sales going on in store and online right now...Hello 75% off at Bergdorfs
  • Counting down the days until my departure for the French Riviera that I officially booked!!
  • If you have been following my blog for some time, I'd like to know your thoughts on how it has developed as I feel it is in another stage of growth...exiting...but I want to make sure I stay on point.

I always like to end these Monday posts with a little quote. The following is perhaps on of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite authors who I have talked about previously, Oscar Wilde.


  1. I love your blog, because it is my little escape as I get to "tag along" on all your fun!

  2. Ah what an exciting trip! You're going to have a blast!

    And I love your blog. I get to live vicariously through your fabulous NY life :)
