
Monday, July 1, 2013

5 Random Monday Thoughts

The summer is definitely flying by. I cannot believe its already July!

  • With a demanding internship all my 4th of July plans fell through. What is everyone else up to?
  • New York can get to be SO stressful sometimes, especially in the heat of the summer. Im looking to make a mini weekend escape sometime soon!
  • We all know my love for Kiel James Patrick. I really love this nautical bracelet for summer. I think its a must have.
  • Looking for good summer drink recipes- any recommendations for a go-to summer cocktail?
  • Have time for summer reading? This book sounds like an interesting summer read for those interested in fashion

The heat and humidity of summer makes it challenging sometimes, and so do Monday mornings, but:

1 comment:

  1. I recently tried an Eastern Standard. Ever had one? If not, it's sort of summer-y. Not in the fruit sense, but the refreshing sense since it's made with cucumber and mint.
