
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The City is Buzzing

Spring does not seem to want to make an appearance and stay here in the Northeast. We have had a few nice days here and there, but generally snow in late March is not spring to me! We have been fortunate to have 2 days of absolutely gorgeous weather here this week. 

It has been near 80 and sunny- perfect for moving that dreaded midterm studying outdoors and into the park. This weather can be a distraction in that its a taste of summer, but it is much needed here in what has been recently a quite grey New York. 

Spring, can you please stay this time?


  1. I hope it does, but a customer in the city told me today it's going to cool off a bit tomorrow there. Hope spring stays for you. Summer is here for a bit in NC....82 right now.
    Lulu and Daisy

  2. Amen!!! If my white legs don't get some natural sun soon...I may off myself!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled
