
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What Im Wearing on My Arm

Remember the days of when you never wore a watch? It seemed like more hassle to put one on and never look at it than go without. There is one point, then, when you receive that special timepiece or find that eye catching watch that no one else has, and the rest history. I've become dependent on my watch, and on the rare days I forget to slip it on I feel naked. 

I am a huge lover of timepieces, especially big ones. Even though I have many options to choose from, I find myself wearing the same one practically every day. So why not mix it up a little and add some interest with bangles? It has become quite trendy to load up your arms with bracelets upon bracelets. I like to keep the trend to a minimum. 

I mixed black Hermes bangles with a black watch. I thought the ceramic of the watch look great with the matching ceramic in the bracelets. I would not wear this every single day, but its fun to mix things up a little. A change from my normal silver Roadster to a sport black ceramic Chanel watch and bangles...why not?