
Monday, March 25, 2013

5 Random Monday Thoughts

  • It's a real monday for me- waking up early and school all day. So long spring break, you were much too quick.
  • Can you believe its snowing here today?! A lot of us in the Northeast are wondering if spring is ever going to come around.
  • I recently purchased an iPhone 5 because I had no other option- I found it drops signal and drops between 4G and LTE ALL the time...anyone else experiencing this?
  • Over my break I got to explore Spain and enjoy Mediterranean weather. Once I have time to gather all my photos, I will definitely share. Below is a sneak peak.
  • Last but not least, I just wanted to remind everyone of 2 exciting things currently going on here at Life Through Preppy Glasses and Skimbaco Lifestyle.
1. Enter our $450 Men's Lifestyle Product Giveaway! You can enter here...leave a comment telling us your favorite look.

2. I would love you help in winning the Jack Wills Summer Internship. Follow the link for instruction on how to vote for me. Search "Wes Holland" on the site! Much appreciated!!

Sunny Barcelona
Photo: My own


  1. I haven't had any problems with dropping calls (knock on wood) but stock up on the cords. They have tons of issues. I just bought my fourth one this weekend & the lady at Apple said they have no plans to fix it.

  2. I can't wait to see pictures of your fabulous trip!

  3. Can wait to read all about Spain, lucky boy!!
