
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Chobani SoHo

Greek yogurt has really become a craze, perhaps even a trend one could say. The popular brand, Chobani, opened up a storefront in SoHo within the past year. The shop serves up yogurt creations and treats that go well beyond the traditional flavors in the store. 

During a quick lunch break from classes, some friends and myself stopped by for a quick lunch. The store has a very relaxed, modern vibe with floor to ceiling windows all around which makes it perfect for people watching in SoHo. I picked one of their "creations." I opted for the Pistachio + Chocolate....soooo good! It reminded me of frozen yogurt minus all the fat and calories since its greek yogurt! They are also running a promotion through Valentine's Day: one you buy one creation, you get a special Raspberry + Chocolate one to share with your "Sweetheart"....not bad right?

On a side note, I love, love, love cashmere and Let The Tide Pull Your Dreams Ashore is hosting a Cashmere Sweater Giveaway. Check it out!


  1. I just stopped by to check out your blog. Thank you for the cashmere giveaway mention. It was a nice little surprise at the end of your post. I wish I could give a sweater to everyone that enters. Best of luck!

  2. Wanted to stop by and say hello. Too busy to read up much lately. Trying to catch up a bit on this long weekend. Bet that Greek yogurt is wonderful, too. And so much better for you!
