
Monday, January 28, 2013

5 Random Monday Thoughts

It's back to reality for me on this snowy, dreary Monday. That is to say it is the start of a new semester.

  • A new semester means new classes, new schedule, and of course new memories
  • It has been SO cold in the city recently. I mean so cold. Can I be sitting on the beach in Barcelona yet. Spring break, are you there?
  • Its been so refreshing to see all my friends after a long winter break. Always good to catch up!
  • Fashion Week is coming up soon here in New York. Im hoping to get to attend some events. I have been to some great ones in the past. 
  • I definitely took advantage of my free time in the city before the start of school. Too much fun was had because now there is too much work to be had! I frequented one of my favorite places here, The Dream Downtown

PH-D at the Dream Downtown

1 comment:

  1. Can I just say, you have the most fabulous weekends?! I love your IG pics of swanky, trendy NYC hot spots. Yes, I live vicariously through you!

    Good luck this semester!
