
Monday, December 17, 2012

5 Random Monday Thoughts and Giveaway Winner

  • Exams, Exams, and more Exams!
  • If there is one thing I continue to learn, its the importance of isolating one's self from others and not comparing. Its so easy to get stressed out over others instead of focusing on ourselves and our own path.
  • Its cray that in one week it will be Christmas Eve....its looking like I will be one of those crazy last minute shoppers!
  • Thoughts and prayers with everyone in Connecticut
  • I cannot express how much I am looking forward to a very long winter break, and this in Aspen:

And the Giveaway winner is........

Michelle from Southern Somedays. Congrats on the new key fob :)


  1. Thank you for a great giveaway!!! I hope you ace every single exam and then have a glorious holiday! Merry Christmas!!!

  2. Best of luck with all of your exams! I'll be doing more last minute shopping this year than I ever had for some reason--Christmas has really snuck up on me. ;)

  3. Aspen for Winter Break? Sounds heavenly!

    And I agree, life is so stressful that the last place it should come from is friends!
