
Friday, July 20, 2012

Le Cirque Restaurant

Friends were in town the other night, and as a group  we havent been able to get together for a while since many have been in Europe the past few months. Since we were all here, we decided to do a nice dinner and head to Le Cirque. Le Cirque is one of those famous Manhattan restaurants that you hear about, and get jealous when your friends go! So we decided we had to try it.

The location is very cool, the ambiance and atmosphere are even better. It was a late week night so it wasnt too crowded. We all started off with different appetizers. I had a pasta dish with goat cheese, chicken for my entree, and a strawberry dessert.

All in all, the service was great, but being completely honest, the food is nothing to rave about in my opinion. When you see the prices, you expect something really amazing. I have other restaurants I like with better food for a MUCH lower price. Its definitely one of those places you have to experience at least once though!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, that looks really good! Sounds like a cool place, too.
