
Monday, July 30, 2012

5 Random Monday Thoughts

And so we start another dreary, humid week here in the city.

  • The Olympics! I have been super busy and havent had much time to watch, but Im getting pretty in to them. Watching them is also making me want to travel so badly.
  • The calendar is just about to turn to August, and Im already feeling the stress of school coming. Perhaps its the $700 textbook bill?
  • Ive been taking full advantage of restaurant week here in the city
  • Interviews, Interviews, Interviews!
  • Within the past week or so I dont remember that last time I got to sleep in past 7am. Early morning's in the city do provide for some great scenes:


  1. while i miss college i do NOT miss textbook bills.

    best of luck on your interviews!!

  2. Ah, restaurant week sounds incredible! I definitely am not ready for school to start either..

  3. Dang! $700 in schoolbooks? That sucks :(

    Sounds like your a busy dude! And from your IG pics, loving every moment of your summer!

  4. oohhh, can't wait to hear about restaurant week! love early mornings in the city !

  5. It is true that getting up early really does show cities in such a different light, and I always love your instagrams in the morning. :)
