
Monday, July 9, 2012

5 Random Monday Thoughts

Im back from vacation and back to the grind.....oh how I miss the sand between my toes.

  • Im happy to say I officially have tan skin so I actually look like its July and not February. Who knows how long it will last!
  • Vacation was definitely refreshing, but SO hot. I met some friends and one said I was giving off a very "refreshing" energy. I guess thats what the beach does to one.
  • Lets not talk about how fast summer is flying by.
  • Im excited for the Olympics to get underway. Although I will just be wishing I was in London. Ive been wanting to travel so badly.
  • The men's SS 2013 runway shows in Milan were amazing. I especially loved Hermes

"Pres de la mer, on peut penser clairement."


  1. I loved your IG pics. Such a great vacation!!

  2. What a perfect quote! And I can't wait for the olympics either!

  3. I am with you, I can't wait for the olympics. But I do wish I could be in london!
