
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Buddakan New York

A friend and myself celebrated the end of the semester and the beginning of summer by heading to Buddakan located in the swanky Meatpacking District. Buddakan is an asian fusion Stephen Starr restaurant.
From the street, its just a plain black box, literally. No windows, just the door to enter. However, upon entry you are instantly in a cool, trendy atmosphere with the bar and large dinning room located in the back. The main dinning area is incredible. The ceilings are very tall, and a large chandelier hangs over a long communal table. It almost has a gothic meets Hogwartz dining hall vibe.

The find is great in my opinion. We ordered a mix of various dumplings. The edamame dumplings are a must. Ive never experienced anything like them....amazing! And for dessert, we ordered the sorbet and a "Crying Chocolate Cake"...also a must!


    I want me some dumplin's STAT!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  2. OMG, that looks amazing! A crying chocolate cake? Heavennnn.
