
Monday, May 7, 2012

5 Random Monday Thoughts

This is going to be perhaps one of the most hectic weeks for me between the finals, the semester officially ending, and moving. This may be the only post I am able to squeeze in this week...sorry!

  • Time is flying be so quickly these past few days. I cant get everything done. The day needs to be 48 hours instead of 24
  • I officially got my apartment last week and the furniture buying process has commenced. I got a lot of good finds from Jonathan Adler

  • What's up with the weather again??! I feel like this has been the ongoing thing since the beginning of "winter". Its May, I want low 70s and sun
  • Im looking forward to having my life back after school to do things like relax, exercise, and enjoy the summer!
  • Im dying dying dying to get to France this summer, but the airline industry doesnt seem to want me to :(


  1. Although this week is crazy, it sounds like it's all going to be worth it in a few days!

    Good luck with your finals and the moving process!!

  2. Bite your tongue with those 48 hour days....only on the weekends, please!
    Happy Monday!

  3. 85 here! Me no likey when my bootay is NOT on the raft! Jeez, recess sucks in a Lilly skirt in the heat! Blah blah!
    I am more than ready for summer vacay!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  4. Almost done with school and a new apartment to decorate - hooray! Keeping my fingers crossed that France works out for you... Husband and I are planning a trip to Paris to celebrate our anniversary in August.

  5. Love Jonathan Adler! Cannot wait to see pictures of your apartment!

  6. Only a few more days and then you'll get to enjoy your new place with all those Jonathan Adler goodies!
