
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Itching To Get Out

The weather has been playing a lot of games lately- semi warm one day, completely sunny, not too nice the next, 70 the following day. However, with every hint of warm weather my spring fever is getting worse and worse. Im just itching to get outside and spend a day in the sun, perhaps laying by the water on the Westside Highway. 

I think April is pretty notorious for a lack of motivation as we are all beginning to get into summer mode and thoughts of relaxing, tanning, and vacation fill our heads. Its the vain of my existence at the moment. Those 3 French papers I have to write? Nah, I'll just look out the window instead and prepare to talk a little stroll downtown. 

I dont think there is a better way to get out and enjoy spring than in bold colors with pants cuffed up and riding a bike:


  1. Spring...scratch that...Summah Fever BaaaaaaaD here! 72 days until I leave for my beach house! I.can't.wait! Time to wear my standard uni...bikini! Yaaaaay, you do know teachers are waaaay worse than the students. Those three French papers have to be graded....gag! I'd give ya and "A" and move on with my bad self!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  2. Definitely know the feeling of spring fever in April! And I agree, all the brights this year are just perfect for the season!
