
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

French Obsession

I must be honest, I cant think of something thats French that I do not like. Well maybe my French homework, but thats beside the point. Some of my all time favorites are French houses: Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Martin Margiela. I also do love wine and cheese.

However, Im currently loving another French brand: Diptyque. Have you heard of them? You are a Parisian based fragrance company, and their products smell absolutely amazing. $90 for a candle may be a bit steep, but with a name like "Essence of John Galliano" (my favorite), why not? I was recently surprised with a gift from Diptyque :).

C'est parfait


  1. French obessed...well I do confess! Oooops, 2 of the 4 houses mentioned MAY or may not have been frequented yesterday, causing me to carry around shoppin' bags of brown and orange. Now you go tellin' me about another house to visit, shhhhh! Thanks dear one!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled
    (time to get Lilly~fied for my last BIG day in Sin City!! I think it's a Lilly State of Mind kinda day!)

  2. Sounds lovely! I love that it's called Essence of Galliano!

  3. Love the gift, and the wrapping. You're lucky indeed :)
