
Friday, April 6, 2012


Being that type of person that never uses cash, I always have a ton of cards on me: American Express, Visa,  debit, Starbucks- you name it, I probably use it. I love card cases because they provide a place for you to stuff all those cards and a little bit of cash for those unexpected emergencies, but take up virtually no space. 

I have quite a collection of card cases since I do not use wallets that often. Heres what im currently using:

As I mentioned, they are the perfect size for carrying the essentials instead of having a huge wallet filled with so many unnecessary things bulging in your pocket.

Do you use card cases as an alternative to wallets?


  1. I have been wanting the Gucci card holder but I am loving the LV one! To answer your questions about the outlets, yes, it is going to be in woodberry

  2. I don't...I have too much stuff! Thanks for linking up honey...hope you have a fabulous, blessed Easter.

    1 Peter 1:3
    Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead... (NIV)

    Kori xoxo

  3. My hubby HATES wallets too! He just can't stand the buldge on his backside. Now me know I have a big old wallet or six! hahahahaha! They must match a girl's pocketbook right? Adore your LV card holder...fantabulous choice per usual!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  4. This is awesome! I always have to have so much stuff on me for my job though, so this would never work.

  5. Of course you'd have a fabulous card holder!

  6. i do, indeed. and it's an LV one, by coincidence.

  7. I use a wallet, personally, but should probably switch, seeing as how I never use cash, haha.

  8. I love my LV card case! I have been using one of those for almost ten years! (not the same one)

  9. LOVE anything LV, and this is no exception!
