
Monday, April 16, 2012

5 Random Monday Thoughts

It feels like summer here today, simply put. Why must I be stuck inside virtually ALL day...I mean im not paying attention in class anyway.

  • Im not into the whole astrology thing, but I think every planet must be in retrograde or something...what is up with people lately?!? I took a whirlwind less than 24 hour trip home this weekend because I had to get away from people.
  • Speaking of home, it is always the best no matter what fabulous life you take up elsewhere. 
  • I cannot focus to save my life recently...too many exciting things within the coming months!! Can school just end??
  • Im itching to buy new summer clothes, but must stay focused on the fact that I have an apartment to furnish
  • Fakeness has been abundant recently- anyone else notice this??

I have my loafers on today, and while they are not penny loafers, perhaps the luck of a heads of penny is what I need.


  1. I agree! What's up with life recently? I have been sick for over a week and just want to be better to enjoy this great weather!

    I hope this week goes by quickly for you :)

  2. HOLLA!!!! ha....what's up my friend! I saw your cool outfit today:)

    I am with ya on the fake ppl....seriously!!! ugh

    Hey, I need to link up with you on your next series of the "too much ISN"T enough!!" I want to link my lululemon collection:)

  3. Lots of crazy stuff happening lately! I need to play hookie, too!! Can't wait to run out of here in 15 minutes and enjoy what's left of my afternoon. I'll be on the look-out for my good luck penny, too.

  4. You are adorable Wes!!! No fake people aloud! Kori xoxo

  5. that's a beautiful piece of footwear right there.

  6. Just got home....I put in a 14 hour day! What's up with LAME people who NEVAH pull their weight? So over that! Thank goodness I work with three other ladies with my "perfectionistic," attitude. I mean if you're going to do something...darn it RIGHT! And by right, I mean my way...hahahahaha!

    I may have to wear me some SERIOUS Lilly tomorrow to keep my tired peepers opened. Love the loafers! I am thinking tomorrow...monogrammed pink clogs for ME!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  7. i completely agree with you on the people front! oh, and the home front - there's no place like home.

    our "summer" day was Sunday- NY is always a day or too after Chicago in weather - and it felt like Florida weather. Nice to have some humidity for a day.

  8. I always have the hardest time restraining myself from shopping this time of year!

  9. Totally agree with you about fakeness, haha. And I am definitely having a hard time refraining from shopping right now, too.
