
Friday, March 2, 2012

Thinking Spring with Joe Fresh

Last night I attended an event at Joe Fresh. A lot of you probably aren't familiar with the brand- I wasn't too familiar with them before they came to New York either! They are a Canadian based brand that I would describe as an upscale H&M. The line consists of both men and womens clothing and accessories. Their bright, orange shopping bag is their signature.

The store had drinks, hors d'oeuvres, and a DJ as shoppers mingled among the spring collection. It was refreshing to see navy/blue combinations and pastel colored sweaters. Spring is just around the corner. I stocked up on some new button downs and v-necks. (I guess my spending freeze is over then right?)

Have you begun shopping spring clothes already? What have been your favorite things so far?

Its Fashion Friday! Click the image for more posts


  1. Ooooo :) Sounds like a place I would like! I haven't started to do Spring shopping - though I did buy an aqua blue boyfriend cardigan - LOVE!

    XO Lucy

  2. Ooh sounds like a great shop! I'll add that to my must see NYC list :)

  3. hmn... i'm gonna check them out. online at least.

  4. Sounds like a great place! I need to check them out! Happy Weekend. Winona

  5. Sounds like an interesting concept! I'll have to look into them sometime!

  6. I'm canadian , so I love shopping at Joe's ! great post :)

  7. I have been restraining myself--I miss the days in college where my only expense were fun expenses like eating out and clothes! I did last weekend by Hunter boots though (you can see them on my blog Facebook page) which I'd been saving up for, and the most gorgeous bright yellow dress at J. Crew!

  8. I walk by Joe Fresh signs everyday on my way to work... and have yet to visit the store. I'm going to drag my BF there.

  9. my spring shopping splurge has been the ginger orange denim from our lovely lilly... not sure if i NEED them, but the worth fit is phenom!
