
Monday, March 19, 2012

5 Random Monday Thoughts

I think I may only have 1 thought instead of 5 on this Monday and that is the WEATHER! Sun and 68....amazing.

  • Spring break is officially over :(. I will update about my trip to the west coast soon!
  • I cant stop looking at my weather widget because its going to be 78 on Thursday...yes 78 :D
  • Does anyone else get severely unmotivated when the weather gets nice?? Its so bad.
  • Has anyone watched GBC on ABC? funny!
  • Apartment hunting has commenced. Can you say stressful?!


  1. My Spring Break is this week, but it is SO not the same when you are working and in grad school. Can't wait to hear about yours! And I'm just DYING over this!

  2. So we're in it together! I work in fashion merchandising, but Finance is a requirement for my MBA (Finance for Decision Making is the name of the course). What are you studying?

  3. Can't wait to read about your spring break..hope you had a great week ! though the weather is nice and warm now--the bugs not so much :(

  4. How exciting/horrible to be apt hunting lol!It's always really funny or really crappy haha. Good luck! Enjoy that great weather!

  5. I'm loving the weather too..but I'm with you, I lose all motivation! I also am LOVING GCB, I fell asleep during it last night so I have to catch up On Demand!
