
Monday, February 20, 2012

5 Random Monday Thoughts

Happy Presidents day! This is the first time in a while that I can remember the weather being nice on Presidents day and semi warm. This weekend is notorious for big snowstorms on the East coast.

  • Im am so so happy for this extra long weekend. I have another day off tomorrow as well :). 12 hours of sleep was great.
  • Ive kind of started the countdown until spring break....already. Probably not a good thing
  • Im in a funk and need to get out of it asap.
  • I had fun this weekend at the ultra exclusive PH-D at the Dream hotel....may be more on that later!
  • 57 and 56 degree days this week?!! Such crazy weather

In my many hours spent clicking around the internet, I came across this image (i forget where) and thought it was something good to remember.


  1. Love the question! So true! And enjoy your 2 extra days off! Do something fun for all of us!

  2. That photo is so right! I've started my spring break countdown, too, haha!

  3. Great quote! Thanks for the reminder!
