
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hello, Old Man Winter

Old Man Winter decided to finally say hello here on the East coast. This winter hasnt been a typical winter for us at all, and the temperatures are like a roller coaster. 
Today its bitter cold and feeling like its in the teens, so how do you return the hello to Old Man Winter? I did so with my favorite Burberry Ski Jacket. The cold temperatures are here to stay for a few more days and so is my jacket.

of course I had to use instagram on my new iphone!
How are you facing winter??


  1. Winter in KY is cold, but not extreme. We have cold days like today (around 20 degrees), but we are planning for about 45-50 degrees later on this week. KY is bipolar.

  2. For some reason it is colder in the south at school, then in the mountains where I am home for break! I am so excited to break out my new burberry to stay warm too!

  3. Love the burberry jacket! It is freezing here in MN too. I am not loving the cold weather!

  4. Welllll I'm facing winter as if it were summer...because it's been in the 80s for the past two weeks. What's up with that Mother Nature? I actually want to wear sweaters lol.
