
Friday, January 27, 2012

A Little Bit of Olive

I've noticed that I have been wearing a lot of Olive green lately- I'm really liking it. Its a stable color in the preppy wardrobe. 
Here's how I wore the color:

Jacket: Barbour
Rugby: Vineyard Vines
Bag: Ralph Lauren
Shoes: Prada

The classic Barbour jacket has become a staple in my wardrobe. It has been perfect for this crazy weather we have been having this winter- not too cold and a lot of rain.

Always on the go, a large bag is a necessity

I always like when my shoes match my shirt, and Im also a huge fan of the perforated leather.

Check out other fashion related posts at Blonde Episodes

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fig and Olive

Fig and Olive is a restaurant and olive oil store with multiple locations here in New York as well as with one location in Los Angeles. They specialize in mediterranean dishes and flavors. I recently took the opportunity to dine there, and here is my review.

I went on a Friday evening to the Uptown location. The place was completely packed and booked full for the remainder of the evening. The space was a tad bit crowded- once you were in your seat there was no easily getting up. The atmosphere, however, was nice with dim lighting and great smells. 

We started out with an olive oil tasting. After all, they are known for their different oils. There was one with hints of strawberry and another with hints of artichoke. I really enjoyed them.

As an appetizer I went with the Zucchini Carpaccio. It was a fresh start with raw zucchini in olive oil with lemon pine nut and parmesan.

For my entree I went with the Pumpkin Sage Ravioli. They were absolutely amazing! I completely recommend this choice. They were home made ravioli with free range chicken, ricotta, pumpkin olive oil, roasted pumpkin seeds, parmesan cheese, and aged balsamic olive oil. SO good.

I finished my dinner with the Chocolate Pot de Creme. It was like a chilled chocolate mousse with praline and vanilla creme. It was pretty light and a nice size.

Overall the experience was good and so was the food. Even with that said I still do not know if Im in a hurry to go back. In my opinion it was a little pricey for what it was, but Im glad I tried it out anyway.

So if Fig and Olive is on your "list" I do recommend it!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

All American

I was one Pinterest last night while watching the State of the Union (dont get me started) What family is more iconic American and classic than the Kennedy's? I cant really think of any either.

Wednesdays mean linking up with The Vintage Apple and Flip Flops and Pearls



Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I was Tagged

I've been tagged in the little game thats going around, so lets play. 

The rules:
1. You must post the rules.
2. Post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've been tagged.
4. Tag eleven people and link them in your post.
5. Let them know you've tagged them!!

A few facts about me:
1. I lived in sweatpants when I was little, but now I can barely stand the thought of being seen in public in them.
2. Im overly concerned with others' opinions of me.
3. Im in business school but many tell me I should be doing something in fashion
4. If there is sweets anywhere near me, I will eat them.
5. I get stressed out very easily
6. Education is one of the most important things in my opinion
7. I get very angry if you do not respond to my texts. You are never "too busy" to give a quick response
8. The polos in my closet are organized by color
9. Bravo TV might be an addiction
10. I desperately want to be fluent in 2 languages
11. Trying new restaurants is hands down one of my favorite things to do.

Glitterista's questions for me:

1. What is your favorite month?
June. Summer is just getting underway and the weather is usually pleasant. 

2.What children's (or young adult) book would you like to re-read now?
Its definitely not a children's book but i would re-read the Great Gatsby in a heartbeat

3. What song do you play on repeat?
So Happy I Could Die

4. If you had to dress head-to-toe in one color for the next month what would it be?
Black. This is New York after all

5. What celebrity do others say you most resemble?
I hate to say it, but Justin Bieber

6. What is the quality you most value in a significant other?

7. What language would you most like to learn?
Ive been studying French for 7 years. I just want to be fluent!

8. If you could be any one character from a movie, tv show, play or book, who would it be and why?
This is an incredibly hard question! Can it be a person in a reality TV show??...Im going to with Brad Goreski then.

9. Where would you like to go for your next vacation?


10. What's your favorite all-time Halloween costume?

When my mother, sister, and myself each dressed up as a playing card. I was probably 6 or so.

11. If you had to change jobs tomorrow and could do anything you wanted, what would you do?

I dont really have a career yet but if I had changed and did completely whatever I want, I would probably be a stylist.

My Questions
1. Whats your all-time favorite store?
2. Whats your most memorable vacation?
3. If there's one thing that bothers you more than anything else, what is it?
4. iPhone or Blackberry?
5. If you could, is that a moment you would take back in time?
6.  Whats your current obsession?
7. What was your first car...did you love or hate it?
8. Did you ever picture yourself where you are now, 5 years ago?
9. Do you love sweets, if so, whats your favorite dessert?
10. 2012 election, are you following it closely?
11. What quality do you despise in others?

Happily Ever Healthy
Join The Gossip
Blonde Episodes
Vineyard Love Knots
How I Met Your Father
Southern California Chic
LuLu and Daisy
Hines Sight Blog
Preppy in Pittsburgh
The Frugalista Diaries
Sweet Southern Prep

Wow, that was a lot of 11's. I hope you will all play along :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Milan Fashion Week Pick

Men's fashion week took place in Milan last week. They are already on to Paris fashion week. So in the world of fashion, I am a little behind with this, but aren't we always? My favorite from Milan was the Moncler Gamme Bleu show. You have probably heard me rave about Moncler previously.

Thom Browne, a New York based designer. heads the designer for the Moncler Gamme Bleu collection. He blends is New York classicism with a hint of european modernism perfectly. For autumn/winter 2012 he injected bright reds and yellows into racing suit inspired looks such as the one pictured to the right.

Not only are the clothes something to look at, the production of the Moncler shows never cease to amaze as well. Past shows have included models in hunting inspired looks walking hounds, and the backdrop for the 2012 show looks quite grand.

While I do like the outfits with the bright colors, I have to admit they were not my favorite out of all the looks. I love Thom Browne's own line and would own everything if I could, so I really liked the looks that were a bit more classic with greys and blacks

all images courtesy of

Link your fashion post here

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Whatever You Do

Whatever you do in life, 
do it with passion
do it with energy
do it with love
do it without regrets
and live colorfully 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Fashion Friday: Weekend Wear

I dont know a single person that does not look forward to the weekend. While many are stuck in suits and business clothes during the week, the weekend is the perfect time to expose that other half of your wardrobe. There are no rules like at the office, so its the best time to express your personal style.

The weekend calls for something easy, but something that allows you leave the house when you suddenly have plans. I personally like waking up with little or no plans and then having the day unfold as it goes along-essentially going from couch to town. Sometimes the best moments seem to be those that happen spontaneously...but thats just me.

To achieve this during the cold months, pair jeans with a good sweater and a basic polo and find that perfect moccasin or driver you live in and you're all set. Of course my options lean heavily towards the preppy and classic side, but thats my entire wardrobe. However, I do believe classic pieces lend themselves to be the most effortless and achieve that put together look the most easily.

We all live for the weekend, so make sure you're dressed comfortable yet put together at the same time so when the phone rings you are ready to go out the door and have fun.

Whats your go-to weekend wear?

Denim: 7 for all Mankind
Polo: Lilly Pulitzer
Sweater: Lilly Pulitzer
Shoes: Sperry

Fashion Friday with Blonde Episodes

Thursday, January 12, 2012

European Nostalgia

As the majority of my friends begin their departures over the next 2 weeks for semesters abroad, I cannot help but feel nostalgic for Europe and have regret for not doing a semester abroad as well. Why did I make this decision? It was part incompetent academic advisers and large part fear of living in another country alone so soon. Reflecting on this now, it would have probably been good for me to have the experience.

I would have gone to Paris, and finally become fluent in French. After studying it for 6 years one would think that he would be fluent, but that just does not seem to be the case! Paris me manque. J'y suis alle deux fois et je suis tombe en amour avec la ville. There is just something about Paris that you can only sense if you have been there. It would have been my home for 16 weeks, and Im sure it would have been filled with amazing experiences, not to mention all the other traveling I could have done.

So as all my friends prepare to embark on European adventures, Im just preparing to return to normal school. It will be weird without them, however, I hope amazing experiences will happen here so I can feel less regret about my decision.

I have come to this conclusion: I must try my hardest to make an appearance in Europe this spring. Looking at flights for spring break has already i just have to get the parents on board!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Lifestyle

Embodying a preppy style really is a lifestyle. Here's a few pictures that represent this lifestyle for me. Pinterest is filled with great images of the preppy way- take a glimpse at the preppy way of life.

Im linking up with Flip Flops & Pearls and The Vintage Apple



Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Healthy Chip: Kale

Over the past year or so I've developed into a minor health food freak, conscious of every little thing i choose to put in my mouth.
Im currently on a little diet and that always brings out the creativity in the kitchen when you are desperately craving a chip for example.

Here's the solution: Kale Chips

Kale is sort of a magical green with benefits ranging from lower cholesterol to clinical results showing a risk-lowering benefit for five types of cancer.

  • Kale
  • Sea Salt
  • Olive Oil
  • Preheat oven to 300 degrees
  • Wash and cut Kale, towel dry
  • Toss kale with olive oil and sea salt
  • Place kale flat on a baking sheet and bake for approximately 20 minutes, or until crisp
Enjoy this healthy potato chip replacement!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Country Preppy

What comes to mind when a prepster thinks of dressing for spending time in the country? A few things come to my mind: Chunky SweatersBarbour, good boots, Ralph Lauren, and LL Bean. Its always effortless, and there is always sure to be a pop of color or print. The country style is iconic of the preppy look. Good, classic pieces are among my favorites.

Vest: Ralph Lauren
Sweater: Lilly Pulitzer

Boots: Ralph Lauren Collection

Do you like the classic, country style?

Its Fashion Friday with Blonde Episodes

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Take A Step Back

Go, Go, Go.
Rush, Rush, Rush.
To get caught up in the craziness that is life is to live.
Taking a step back from this for a moment is to live life to the fullest.
As a new year unfolds, take time to reflect on your goals, friends, and those things most important to you.
Attempt to shut out those voices harping in your ear and find the simplicity in life. 
When you feel lost, ground yourself. It does wonders.
Take the beauty of nature as an example.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hello, Old Man Winter

Old Man Winter decided to finally say hello here on the East coast. This winter hasnt been a typical winter for us at all, and the temperatures are like a roller coaster. 
Today its bitter cold and feeling like its in the teens, so how do you return the hello to Old Man Winter? I did so with my favorite Burberry Ski Jacket. The cold temperatures are here to stay for a few more days and so is my jacket.

of course I had to use instagram on my new iphone!
How are you facing winter??