
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Another Chapter Closed

I still haven't accepted that fact that another semester has finished. Its so true, it just keeps going by quicker and quicker with each semester. Although my workload seemed to quadruple this semester, I would not trade this semester for another. I met so many amazing new people that filled the space left by those who drifted apart from me.  There was lots of studying to be had, but there was also a lot of fun to be had as well. Here's a small look back at the fall semester.

It started out with Fashions Night Out, and I was very, very, close to Rachel Zoe

It was quite the party at Intermix Meatpacking

My life tended to revolve around dessert

A plaid-themed Tommy Hilfiger houseparty was hosted

I wore fur

Holiday parties were had by all

We donned Burberry

and in the end studied our lives away


  1. Sounda like a pretty amazing semester to me! And I'm still jealous as can be that you were that close to Rachel. Where was I anyway??? It doesn't even feel like I was FNO. Booo...

  2. Great post! Happy Holidays, enjoy your break!

  3. Enjoy your break, and gear up for another great semester!

  4. You had a busy semester indeed! Here's to a great break and an even better 2012!
