
Thursday, October 6, 2011

A little Overjoyed

For the past few weeks I feel like all Ive been doing is work, work, work. At some points I was beginning to wonder what day it even was. I've been waiting for this Thursday for a while now. You may remember me saying that I have a 5 Day Weekend....well thats going to be here in about 3 hours! :)

This will hopefully be a nice break and a good time to relax a little so I can continue to motor on through this semester. Its times like this when we are really thankful for people like Columbus who get us an extra day off of school or work...right?!?

Did I mention I'm loving this weather as well? Its still warm enough to wear shorts, but cool enough to pair a light sweater with them. I love the look of shorts with a good sweater. Hence my navy Ralph Lauren shorts paired with light grey Brooks Brothers sweater today.

So heres to putting your feet up and relaxing for this upcoming long weekend

                                                                       Source: via Carlin on Pinterest


  1. Enjoy your relaxing weekend! You deserve it!

  2. Have a wonderful weekend!! I'm very thankful for Columbus right now as well (well, not really, he was horrible...but I'm thankful for Columbus Day :)

  3. Lucky guy! We don't get Columbus Day off work BUT I am taking a vacation next week so I can't complain.

    Enjoy every second of your time off - you deserve it!

  4. Have a great long weekend! Enjoy your time off. I also love Columbus! Hahaha. We're heading to the ocean for our three day weekend.
