
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Time is Speeding


I remember moving home for the summer in May thinking how am I ever going to survive the next three and a half months here? It's hard to believe, but those 3.5 months have passed me by. Here I am getting ready to head back to school again. Time has a very funny way about it. Excitement dominates my emotions, but those feelings of uncertainty and nervousness  still exist.

This past summer was definitely different than any summer I was used to. I guess this is expected once you come back from college. I try to look back at some of the events as a learning experience, yet I still have regret and many mixed feelings about certain things. Understanding the way people are is certainly a challenge for me- am I few and far between for thinking most people lack common courtesy?

There is a lot to look forward to, however. While I may spend hours and what feels like my entire life at the library, I look forward to the challenge ahead. I look forward to being with friends I wasnt able to be with during the summer, and all I hope is that our friendships and relationships are the same prior to leaving. Everyone says once you get back and into the swing of things, everything is the same- personally, I have some hesitations about this.

As my last week of so called relaxation quickly passes by, I can feel myself slowly slipping into the "fast lane" so to speak. I tend to find myself best suited when I am constantly busy, but the onset of being overwhelmed with Financial Accounting problems and group presentations...well..overwhelms me. This week consists of tying up loose ends, running here and there for last minute essentials, and have dinners with family members. Oh, and did i mention packing? My pile has grown a little bit since earlier in the week:

Im keeping a close eye on the weather forecast, and lets all hope Irene, if she hits up, will be on sunday and not monday! Trekking all my stuff through a hurricane in NYC is not my idea of fun!

1 comment:

  1. Aw I loss college. I didn't appreciate the experience while I was there. Just wanted to be an "adult" and out on my own. I made the mistake of going to a college just 30 mins away from my hometown :(

    Enjoy this time!! I know it's nerve racking but it'll be great! And II am hoping that hurricane dies down STAT!
