
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Take Me Back to Paris

Approximately 2 years ago I traveled to France. It was the first time I was out of the country, and I fell in love with Paris. I felt so insecure and lost in a foreign city, yet I felt comfortable enough to explore on my own- caught up in the culture and vibe of the city but still the timid American on the street all the same.

After realizing I was short on time, I had to gather up the courage to tell the nice waitress nous n'avons pas de temps pour manger maintenant. Was my accent ok? Could she even understand me?

I want to return to Paris for the food, the culture, the fashion, the art.

La mode me manque
La culture me manque
Paris me manque, J'espere que je te verrai bientot.

**Today is the last day to enter my Anchored Style giveaway...dont forget to enter!


  1. Just about this time two years ago I was in Paris too! I would die to go back, such an amazing place. Love your photos, you captured it so well!!

  2. swoon, paris. beautiful, lovely. i'm sure your accent was perfect!

  3. I'd love to go to Paris - I have never been to Europe! :( My friend is there now and I can't wait to see her pics and hear all about the trip!

  4. I love Paris, although I have always had way more fun in Avignon. People are nicer ;)

  5. Take me TO Paris! I've yet to go. Well, I was there for about 3 hours, but that doesn't count. I'm moving it to the top of my list :)
