
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm [i wish] in Miami...trick

Let me just begin by saying yesterday I was running around this city in shorts and a t-shirt....yes, you did read that correctly!  It was amazing. That and the daily LivingSocial email inspired me for this post. Warm weather+living escapes= South Beach.

Have you seen the package on there...5 days in Miami. That would be amazing right about now. I've never been to Miami, but want to check it out.

I want to buy this trip so bad...beach is calling my name.

Miami: bright, attractive people, south florida, sun, cocktails...perfection

sorry i just had to put this one :) (cue song in background)

all images via

Have you ever been to Miami?? Please share your experience!


  1. Ahhhh yes! Miami! I was in there (South Beach) 2 summers ago. It was nice. Different.....definitely a place for good people watching! Very beautiful, for sure. Awesome food too.

    Have a great day.....maybe today you get to wear your flip flops!

  2. Miami is amazing! The shopping is great, and it is so much fun to go out! Spent the night there before a cruise a few years ago

  3. Um we had a taste of the sun this weekend. . .it was a whole 22 degrees in England in April. I know right??

    However, Miami looks so so much better. . .its gone all grey and overcast here now. Booo.

    I popped over from Wordless Wednesday, i'm now following you, pop by and check my blog out if you get the time :)

  4. Not Miami but I will find myself in Naples next week and I can't wait! Happy Wordless Wednesday!
