
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

EXPO: A Fashion Show for Charity

This Friday I will be attending a benefit fashion in which all the proceeds will be going to the New York based charity, Hamilton Madison House. This charity works closely with families in the Chinatown area.

Each year this event draws a very large crowd, in the past in excess of 500 people. Prominent attendees included well known figures from Conde Nast. 

The list of participating sponsors and designers is quite impressive with names including NARS, Life and Charity, Vena Cava, Charlotte Ronson, Vilebrequin, and Kai-aakmann to name a few.

EXPO has a twitter @exponyu and the complete portfolio as well as more information can be found at their website here. This year's theme will be the "Butterfly Effect"

Heres one of my favorite ads from this year's campaign:

If you aren't in the NYC area, but would still like to contribute, you can download a GoodSearch  Toolbar and every time you search, money will be donated to Hamilton Madison easy! (I think we can all break away from Google for a few days right??)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy {Early} Easter

I've been such a bad blogger this week...missing 2 days!? I've just been busy with school and busy having too much fun :D.

I hope everyone has a great Easter....what's your tradition? We usually go to one of my grandparents for dinner, but unfortunately this year i will not be able to make it home...too little time!


"Easter tells us that life is to be interpreted not simply in terms of things but in terms of ideals."  ~Charles M. Crowe

Check out my Ultimate Easter Basket from last week! (P.S. I can check the sunglasses off my list! :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Mixed Feelings

Sorry for a lack of post yesterday. I had a midterm (number 2 in the same class to be exact) even though its the end of the semester in like 3 weeks (cannot believe/dont want to think about it).

Today's wordless wednesday: Mixed Feelings....thats how i feel right now. So many deadlines, expectations, confusion with people, people's opinions of me, leaving new york, ect.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Fashion Friday: Black Fleece

Today I wanted to share with you a line that im completely obsessed with: Black Fleece by Brooks Brothers. It's a hidden secret of the Brooks Brothers we all know and love.

Black Fleece is an upscale line that is designed by Thom Browne. If you do not know who he is, look him up and you will love...mostly a menswear designer, however.

Heres a few looks from the spring 2011 collection:

Brooks Brothers | Black Fleece
Brooks Brothers | Black Fleece | Men's Collection
Brooks Brothers | Black Fleece | Men's Collection
Brooks Brothers | Black Fleece | Men's Collection
Brooks Brothers | Black Fleece | Men | Sweaters & Knits
Brooks Brothers | Black Fleece | Men | Trousers

I believe there is only about 2 or so Black Fleece stores in the country, one of them being here in New York. Located on Bleeker Street in the West Village, the store is definitely something to check out!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Ultimate Easter Basket

Easter's in about 2 weeks, so i decided to start planning what i want in my basket this my ideal world of course.

Hermes men's cashmere sweaters
$1,375 -

$675 -

Digit Bracelet
$285 -

Of course there would be some peeps and cadbury eggs thrown in there as well! Maybe i can get at least on thing this list :) It's a beautiful spring day in the city- must take advantage of them as they seem to be quite the rarity. 

What would you put in your dream basket???

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm [i wish] in Miami...trick

Let me just begin by saying yesterday I was running around this city in shorts and a t-shirt....yes, you did read that correctly!  It was amazing. That and the daily LivingSocial email inspired me for this post. Warm weather+living escapes= South Beach.

Have you seen the package on there...5 days in Miami. That would be amazing right about now. I've never been to Miami, but want to check it out.

I want to buy this trip so bad...beach is calling my name.

Miami: bright, attractive people, south florida, sun, cocktails...perfection

sorry i just had to put this one :) (cue song in background)

all images via

Have you ever been to Miami?? Please share your experience!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Fashion Friday: Derby

Im guest blogging today over at How I Met Your Father about dressing for the Derby.....of course it features the new Vineyard Vines Collection. So youll have to stop over there to see it :) And let me know what you think!

Please tell me you all watched the season premiere of the Real Housewives of New York last night....looks like its going to be a really good season. New York is my favorite.

The best quote of the show was when Kelly said: "I didnt know Alex and Simon were in the market for art, but theyll go to the opening of an envelope"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Too Much is Never Enough: Wallets

We use one everyday or almost everyday so why not have options?? Its a good excuse to have a lot. Here's a few of mine.

we all get excited when we see that orange box :)

This is usually my standard if im not carrying a card case.

this one is great for traveling when you have to take every credit card you own, ID, more random cards, cash, ect. Just stuff it full

Too Much is Never Enough Series

I'm running low on all my mini "collections"....thats where you come in! I'd love to do a reader's version. Send me a picture of something that you love, and have a lot of!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Closing out a {Long} Week

Its finally Friday...this was one of those weeks that felt very, very long. It was quite exhausting. At times i felt like this.

You have all been following my complaints about the weather....well this morning snowflakes were flying. Great way to start out April right?? I've decided I am no longer allowing myself to look at the AccuWeather 15 day forecast.

But on a positive note, the Phillies season opening game starts about about 15 minutes...hope they get to play. Not sure what the weather is doing down there

I feel myself slipping into a non-stop shopping phase! haha. I've been doing well, but theres a few things that i want. Two of which are:

these amazing Dsquared sunglasses

and have you seen the Vineyard Vines Derby collection?!?! Love. I want this belt:

if there is anything I want to be doing right now its soaking up sun...somewhere...anywhere. But specifically looking like this, perhaps on whatever cruise ship this is?

Ferragamo SS11

Its showing that sunday is going to be completely sunny and 54. (Rubbing eyes and looking at screen again...can this be right?!?)

Have a great weekend!

all other images via