
Thursday, March 31, 2011

City Biking: Living to tell the Tale

Let me begin by saying I think this is going to be my new obsession! It was very frightening at first when taxis were passing me about 2 feet away, but then it just became pure fun.

So we picked up our bikes, and the first thing i noticed was my eyeball bell?? Still trying to figure that one out

this was my bike...cruiser And its made in Germany (I love German Engineering)

so we headed up Park search of a truck with free coffee

after many bell ringings. "Oh My Gods", "What should i do"...we finally made it to our original destination. Voila free coffee truck

we made our way across town hoping to reach the Westside Highway with its infamous biking path. 

After fearing we were in the lane to go through the lincoln tunnel, we did make it to the Westside Highway. It was so nice

views of river were amazing

with the city behind us

From there we headed down to Bleecker, perhaps my favorite street.

what could be better than biking on a West Village street surrounded by some of your favorite stores such as Ralph Lauren

needless to say, the helmut really cramped by style....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Too Much is Never Enough: Fragrance

You all probably saw the title of this and thought to yourself, what is he talking about?!? There certainly is a things as too much fragrance....i agree. We've all suffocated in an elevator with someone bathed an outdated bottle of Chanel Number 5.

But im referring to options of course!

Im not a huge, huge cologne wearer, but I do have a few

this isnt my whole collection- some was just MIA at school. I also have Escada and Lacoste as well. I mainly stick with the classics...Burberry, Calvin Klein, Gucci

Its hard for me to pick my favorite, but im going to go with Gucci by Gucci....its amazing

followed by Eau de Cartier in close second. (yes, they do make more besides that fabulous watch on your wrist)

Whats your favorite brand or scent?? 

Too Much is Never Enough Series

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Lesson From Lilly

I thought this would be interesting and fun to share. One of my favorite prints from the Lilly Pulitzer spring collection is this one here:

one of my new swim trunks! 
Lilly always names their prints with great creativity and they also relate to whats going on in the print. So, this print has flamingos. When i saw the name of the print was "peel and heat" I couldnt figure out why that was the name...neither could my sister.

but if you look closely.....

theres little shrimp mixed in there as well, and someone informed me that flamingos eat shrimp. Finally, it all made sense! I did a little research on flamingos and shrimp and wikipedia informed me of the following:

"flamingos filter-feed on brine shrimp and blue-green algae...the pink or reddish color of flamingos comes from cartenoid proteins in their diet of animal and plant plankton..."

Who knew??

You learn something new everyday!

Friday, March 11, 2011

A Whole New Look and A Quiet Trip

My blog has a whole new look so happy with it! :) What do you guys think?? It makes me feel so much more official. So thankful for blogging friends

I usually have stories about my bus trips such as this wonderful experience followed by this one here. However I got to leave a little bit earlier than normal so the bus only had about 10 people on much better although there was no entertainment. I just got to listen to the apparently air powered windshield wipers go "shhhshhshs" for about 3 hours....i was going crazy by the end.

I've only been home for a few hours and its been so great minus the fact that when i got up this morning to check a grade on one of my Midterms I was very shocked to say the least. Anything under a 70 in my opinion is not really acceptable and is "failing"

so i sent the following email to my professor:

"I am severely concerned with my grade on the midterm. Has this grade already been curved? I took AP statistics in high school, and got an A on virtually every test and passed the AP exam as well. Thus, i know that i know statistics and have seen all this information before. With that said, I feel as though i should not be failing this statistics class, and would like to know how i can recover from this and do better in this class."

Clearly I am expressing a concern with my performance and want to do better... you think a professor would like this right??? Wrong

His repsonse:

"Nobody is failing the class. I will let you know what grade I am submitting to Albert as a Midterm grade"

Are you kidding??? He didnt even answer my most important question....What can i do to do better?!?!? I really cant stand when professors think they are higher than you based on the sole reason they are a professor so they can just ignore you ect. No, Im paying an obscene amount of money for your class, I want help.

I dont know what to do...any advice??

But on a positive note:


Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Spring Break has Finally Arrived...Almost

Today is finally the day spring break starts for me!! :) I'm soooo looking forward to it, except theres a few obstacles i still have to get through.

Those are:
1. a midterm
2. getting to the bus/taking bus

I have one midterm this morning that consists of writing two essays in one class (75 minutes)...thats only like 32 minutes per essay!

Last night was crazy, i was running around like mad gathering everything up and getting ready so i could quickly leave after my last class. Basically im trying to take as much winter stuff home as possible which started out like this:

basically i started pulling out all my sweaters, coats, ect. from all the creative places i have found to store clothes and started laying them on my bed. Well, that pile kept growing, and growing, and soon i was very stressed out because i had a huge unorganized mess. Plus, how was it all going to fit?!?

Well somehow i managed to turn all that, and more into:

this little big guy...dont be deceived by the picture. This thing could fit a small child and weighs atleast 100 pounds

once again, dont be deceived by the picture. That carryall is absolutely stuffed.

im guess that all my luggage must weigh 200 pounds together. So, im really freaking out about how I'm going to get all this stuff onto the bus by myself....not to mention its supposed to be pouring of course :((

should make for quite the adventure!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Being Preppy in Spring 2011

Now that its officially March (cant believe it!) breaking out the spring clothes is getting ever closer. Spring is one of the best times to be preppy and its transitions into the ultimate time to be preppy...summer :)

Here's some spring dressing that I love:

Of course I have to start out with Ralph Lauren. His spring collection is a little more rustic this year which i dont know how crazy i am about it, but there are a few pieces i love. In early spring, lightweight cashmere v-necks are perfect


Still for those cool months, start using a cardigan as your outerwear

Once spring is in full swing, break out those nantucket reds

Start throwing in some light pastel colors in your shirts. I like this light purple with a conductor stripe from Vineyard Vines

Boat shoes are a "trend" for this spring, so us prepsters should be set as far as that goes. But im dying to get my hands on these Ferregamo ones....every shoe he makes is amazing. One of my favorites

and putting it altogether.....


a little for the women.....

of course all of you are going to be digging out your favorite Lilly. I like the "optical confusion" print from the 2011 spring collection


Put on some great wedges (and even though you wear them all year round, officially break out your revas if you havent done so already)

and make sure you have something coral this spring if you want to be "trendy"....why not make it an accessory?

what are your favorite part about dressing for spring